
PROSA2024 Conference

12 - 13 SEPTEMBER 2024


Discover our scientific program and international faculty!

Welcome to PROSA2024 Conference

Thursday 12 September & Friday 13 September 2024

Following the success of the PROSA2022 conference we are very proud and honored to announce the third European Conference on Pediatric Procedural Sedation and Analgesia (PSA)

PROSA2024 is a 2-days interdisciplinary meeting for pediatricians, emergency physicians, surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, nurse specialists, pain specialists, psychologists, child life specialists, scientists, patient representatives, health care managers, health care educationalists and any other health care professionals involved in procedural care for children.

Exploring a fascinating new field in modern medicine

During PROSA2024 you will learn the most recent insights in PSA-related quality and safety. State-of-the-art review lectures, practice-based lectures and workshops will focus on optimal comfort strategies for a diverse range of procedures within a heterogenous population of children, including neonates and special needs children. Evidence-based pharmacology will be presented for commonly used procedural sedatives and analgesics.

In addition, specific attention will be paid to the patient’s perspective, to the meaning of empathy and to techniques that alleviate children's procedural fear and pain, establish trusting relationships with children and gain their adherence and collaboration.