Dr. Anna Taddio is a Professor of Pharmacy at the University of Toronto, and Senior Associate Scientist at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada. She is inaugural holder of the GSK Chair in Vaccine Education and Practice-Oriented Tools.
Dr. Taddio’s program of research focuses on studying acute pain from medical procedures in children, including: i) the adverse consequences of pain, ii) effective interventions for mitigating pain, iii) knowledge synthesis and knowledge translation to improve pain management practices. She has >250 peer-reviewed scientific publications, and her career h-index (Google Scholar) is 73, with her work cited 25,153 times. She is recipient of numerous national and international awards recognizing her scholarly and advocacy contributions in pain.
Since 2008, Dr. Taddio founded and leads a national inter-disciplinary team, Help ELiminate Pain in Kids and Adults (HELPinKids&Adults), promoting evidence-based pain management during vaccination. The 2015 HELPinKids&Adults Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) was adopted widely, including by the World Health Organization.
Dr. Taddio is supported by the Public Health Agency of Canada and Canadian Institutes of Health Research to integrate a vaccination delivery framework based on the 2015 CPG called the CARD system (Comfort Ask Relax Distract) in training programs and vaccination settings across Canada to promote more positive experiences for patients and providers.