final program

Please note that the below program is subject to change.

Thursday 8 SEPTEMBER 2022

(Conference day 1)

07:00 - 08:45

Registration – Coffee/Tea – Breakfast
Trajectum Noord and Lobby North (Exhibition Hall)

08:45 - 09:00

Welcome and Introduction
Auditorium 2

Piet Leroy

09:00 - 11:45

Theme: The human factor
Auditorium 2

Piet Leroy (chair)

09:00 - 09:45

Empathy and Empathic blindness

Bénédicte  Lombart
Sophie Verbeek

09:45 - 11:00

The Biology of Empathy

Frans de Waal

11:00 - 11:45

Non-Verbal Communication in the patient-professional relationship

Judith Hall

12:00 - 13:30

INTERACTIVE, CASE-BASED Lunch-WORKSHOPS in break-out rooms (Registration required!)

or  LUNCH (Exhibition hall)

Room: 0.2 Berlin

Topic: ‘Virtual World'
Immersive and Virtual Realty techniques for Medical Procedures

Søren Walther-Larssen
Jessica Nijs

Room: 0.5 Paris

Topic: ‘No More Tears
Trauma Free Vaccination in infants, children & adolescents

Anna Taddio

Room: 0.4 Brussels

Topic: ‘Not just a Poke
Managing pain during Vascular Access procedures.

Amy Baxter
Giorgio Cozzi
Paolo Valerio

Room: 0.9 Athens

Topic: ‘Stitches and Fractures
Creating an ouchless ER

Julia Hoeffe
Silvia Bressan
Mark Roback

Room: 0.8 Rome

Topic: ‘Changing the Talk of Town
Comfort-directed Language & communication

Gabriel Braendle
Cyril Sahyoun

Room: 0.10 Sydney

Topic: ‘The Child with medical psycho-trauma’.
The use of EMDR in the clinical setting

Inge de Vlieger
Agnes Dommerholt

Room: 0.1 London

Topic: Art Therapy as a supportive strategy for children during painful medical procedures

Cinzia Favara-Scacco

13:45 - 16:00

Theme: From Fear to Trust
Auditorium 2

Felix Kreier (Chair)

13:45 - 14:30

The Neuroscience of the Doctor-Patient interaction

Fabrizio Benedetti

14:30 - 15:15

Making a human connection: establishing trust with children

Baruch Krauss

15:15 - 15:45

A Parent’s quest for procedural comfort

Vera Tomassen

15:45- 16:00

Interactive Discussion


16:00 - 16:30

Coffee/Tea Break with exhibitors
Lobby North

16:30 - 18:00

Theme: Strategies for Procedural Pain Relief
Auditorium 2

Mark Roback (chair)

16:30 - 17:00

Analgesia for Common Procedures in Children

Amy Baxter

17:00 - 17:30

Lessons from the dental chair

Rick van der Pas

17:30 - 18:00

Rights based standards for children undergoing clinical procedures: an international collaborative good practice statement

Lucy Bray

18:00 - 19:30

Social meeting - Reception
Lobby North

20:00 - 23:00


Friday 9 SEPTEMBER 2022

(Conference day 2)

07:30 - 09:00

Registration – Coffee/Tea – Breakfast
Trajectum Noord and Lobby North (Exhibition Hall)

07:30 - 08:45

Meet The Experts – Practical Pharmacology
(Registration required - extra fee - breakfast included!)


Breakfast drug session 1
Room: 0.5 Paris


Mohamed Mahmoud
Paolo Valerio
Grant Stuart
Linda Schuiten

Breakfast drug session 2
Room 0.4 Brussels


Mark Roback
Giorgio Cozzi
Baruch Krauss

Breakfast drug session 3
Room: 0.9 Athens


Maala Bhatt
Marga van Eck-Smaling
Dino Barbi

Breakfast drug session 4
Room 0.1 London

Nitrous oxide

Julia Hoeffe
Felix Kreier
Daniel Annequin

Breakfast drug session 5
Room: 0.2 Berlin


Michael Brackhahn
Annemieke Kanninga

09:00 - 11:00

Theme: Procedural distress and sedation in infants and young children
(Plenary auditorium)

Egidio Barbi (chair)

09:00 - 09:30

Procedural Distress and Comfort in Neonates

Gabriele Cont

09:30 - 10:00

Long-Term consequences of procedural pain at the young age

Anna Taddio

10:00 - 10:30

Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in the (Very) Young Children – Practical Pharmacology

Karel Allegaert

10:30 - 11:00

Safety of Procedural Sedatives in young children: is neurotoxicity an issue?

Jurgen de Graaff

11:00 - 11:15

Interactive Discussion


11:30 - 13:00

INTERACTIVE, CASE-BASED Lunch-WORKSHOPS (Registration required!)

Room: 0.2 Berlin

Topic: Language, Suggestion & Hypnosis for managing procedural distress

Arine Vlieger
Linda Kersten

Room: 0.5 Paris

Topic: Clinical Cases I
Comfort strategies for Common Distressing Procedures

Sara de Bulpaep
Michèle Vranken
Mark Roback

Room: 0.4 Brussels

Topic: Clinical Cases II
Sedation Strategies for Radiologic Imaging

Evelyn Maes
Grant Stuart
Linda Schuiten

Room: 0.9 Athens

Topic: Clinical Cases III
Comfort Strategies for Special Needs Children and children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Giorgio Cozzi
Annemieke Kanninga
Vera Tomassen

Room: 0.8 Rome

Topic: Capnography Monitoring during Procedural Sedation - Practical Exercises

Baruch Krauss

Room: 0.10 Sydney

Topic: Setting-up a sedation service in your hospital

Cyril Sahyoun
Maala Bhatt
Koen Vanhonsebrouck

Room: 0.1 London

Topic: Keeping Nitrous Oxide Safe for All – Measures for Controlling Occupational Exposure

Zita Kolder
Hendrik Jan Janssen

13:15 - 15:15


Theme: Maximizing Safety during Procedural Sedation
Auditorium 2

Eva Schaffrath (chair)

13:15 - 13:45

Procedural Sedation and the Pediatric Airway: interactions and precautions

Mohamed Mahmoud

13:45 - 14:15

Pre-sedation fasting: an update of the evidence and the new ICAPS guidelines

Mark Roback

14:15 - 14:45

Risk factors and adverse events in pediatric procedural sedation

Maala Bhatt

14:45 - 15:15

Nitrous Oxide: Angel or Devil

Daniel Annequin

15:15 - 15:45

Coffee/Tea Break with exhibitors
Lobby North

15:50 - 17:35

Theme: Training, Credentialing and Implementation
Auditorium 2

Annick De Jaeger (chair)

15:45 - 16:10

PSA Practice patterns in European Emergency Care Units: Challenges & Opportunities

Cyril Sahyoun

16:10 - 16:35

Training pediatric ED staff in procedural sedation: achievements and lessons learnt

Silvia Bressan

16:35- 17:00

Trust me, I am a trained sedation provider!
Incorporating Entrustable Professional Activities into a pediatric sedation curriculum for specialized nurses

Marga van Eck-Smaling

17:00 - 17:30

Pediatric Procedural Sedation in Europe: Quo Vadis? Conference summary and debate

Jurgen de Graaff

17:30 - 17:45


Piet Leroy

Workshop Content Summary

IMPORTANT: All Workshops should be case-based, i.e. authentic clinical cases and scenario’s are used for interactive discussion. Use of slides should be limited to present cases and short summaries of essential learning points. Please do not give (mini)lectures during the workshop. Use of videography (i.e. filmed authentic cases) is strongly recommended.


DAY 1 Workshops

Workshop 1: 'Virtual World'

  • Non-pharmacological strategies to help children lying still during imaging procedures (e.g. MRI scanning). Immersive and Virtual Realty techniques for Medical Procedures.

Workshop 2: ‘No more Tears’

  • Many claim offering a patient-centered service when dealing with distressing procedures in children. But how much choice do we really grant to children and their parents? And how can we make patients/parents competent for making appropriate choices that contribute to optimal procedural perceptions and experiences?
  • Anna Taddio developed with her team a method for active knowledge translation so that children/parents themselves can learn which methods work best for them. From the University of Toronto Website: “In the past, we’ve burdened the health-care provider with everything,” says Taddio. “But I think it’s better to show the kids and then they can choose how to best cope. In the end, Taddio says it’s all about medical community acknowledging the existence of pain and working with patients to reduce its impact during injections and other procedures. Treating pain has many benefits,” she says. “It not only prevents unnecessary suffering, it ensures we are delivering the best care possible, improves everyone’s satisfaction with the experience, and improves health because people are more likely to participate in positive health behaviours like getting vaccinated and going to a doctor to get a blood test to look for high cholesterol and these sorts of things.” (

Workshop 3: ‘Not just a Poke’

  • Correct use of topical anesthetics (location, timing, tips – tricks, logistical challenges)
  • Misconceptions (e.g. emla generates more failure of IV access)
  • Other techniques (cooling, J-tip, subcutaneous infiltration of buffered lidocaine with a 30G needle, Buzzy,...): evidence, experiences, practices...

Workshop 4: ‘Stitches and Fractures’.

  • How to create an ouchless ER
  • Suggested procedures to discuss/to use for discussion: Wound care and suturing; Non-complex forearm fracture; Abscess drainage
  • Points for discussion: patient approach; optimal local/topical techniques; when to use sedation? Which sedation (important point to discuss: indications versus limitations of nitrous oxide)
  • IMPORTANT: Is Fentanyl (IN or IV) on its own sufficiently effective for fracture reduction or similar painful procedures?
  • Key questions a professional should ask him/herself before starting procedures: (1) Is the child in pain before (i.e. in need for acute pain management). (2) Environmental setting. (3) Adaptive distraction possible? (4) How painful is the procedure anticipated by you, the family/child? (4) Use of topical analgesics. (5) Most optimal additional sedative (anxiolysis or deep sedation?)

Workshop 5: ‘Changing the Talk of Town’.

  • Changing the way we talk as professionals with patients and with eachother
  • Which words/sentences may harm and which kind of talk might enhance trust and feelings of comfort?

Workshop 6: The Child with medical psycho-trauma’: The use of EMDR in the clinical setting

  • Managing anticipatory Anxiety; Cognitive Behavioral Strategies; Desensitization
  • What does ‘trauma’ mean
  • Iatrogenic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; EMDR therapy

Workshop 7: 'Art Therapy' as support for children during medical procedures



DAY 2 Workshops

Workshop 8: 'Language – Suggestion – Hypnosis'

  • How can words and suggestions influence patientcomfort?
  • What is hypnosis?
  • How can children use self-hypnosis to reduce their pain and anxiety?

Workshop 9: 'Comfort strategies for Common Distressing Procedures – Clinical Cases I'

  • IV access
  • Nasogastric tubes
  • Urinary Catheters

Workshop 10: 'Sedation for radiologic imaging - Clinical Cases II: '

  • Which children will need sedation? Which may benefit from non-pharmacology [Refer to Workshop 1 – Day 1]?
  • Best practice for < 3-6 months; 6m-5 yrs; > 5 yrs
  • Propofol? Dexmedetomidine (IV? IN? Doses?)
  • Patient-centered sedation care on a radiology department. What is needed?

Workshop 11: 'Comfort Strategies in special needs children and children with autism spectrum disorder -Clinical Cases III'

  • For example: autism spectrum disorder, severe anxiety, hyperactivity, mental retardation,...
  • How to involve parents/caretakers?
  • Which drugs might be more optimal?

Workshop 12: 'Capnography – practical exercises'

  • Practical applications of capnography during dissociative and deep sedation
  • Airway assessment: Using the waveform to detect normal ventilation abnormal ventilation including hypoventilation/respiratory depression, obstructive apnea (upper airway obstruction, laryngospasm), central apneas, and bronchospasm.

Workshop 13: 'Setting up a sedation Service in your hospital'

  • Which conditions are needed (evidence-based protocols; transparency; inter-disciplinary collaboration; consistent care)
  • Introducing TROOPS
  • How to achieve a patient-centered service offering care tailored to individual comfort needs

Workshop 14: 'Keeping Nitrous Oxide Safe for All – Measures for Controlling Occupational Exposure'

  • Occupational toxicity of Nitrous Oxide and risks for Healthcare workers
  • Measure to control occupational exposure